11th February, 2024 - 9AM to 6PM

Event Sponsor


The industrial meet in IMPETUS is to foster a productive dialogue between industry and academia, provide exposure to students and academics about current and future industrial trends, and equip them with the skills to be future-proof and industry-ready. It seeks to establish interactive communication between industry leaders, academicians, and students, bridging the gap between the company and institute and offering a comprehensive understanding of their needs. The expert-led discussion panels and interactive sessions will enhance the learning experience for participants. This event aims to create a common ground for the collaboration of industry and academia, prioritize knowledge sharing, and facilitate thought-provoking discussions on best practices, employability, and talent identification in campus recruitment.


Debajyoti Dhar
Deputy Director, Space Application Center, Ahmedabad (ISRO)
Sarojkant Singh
Associate Vice President,Business Strategy, Power Plant Engineers Ltd.
Kousik Maiti
Director, PWC
Dr.Sudeb Datta
Technical Director water and gas utilities, M.N. Dastur
Mr. Tatababu Botsa
Deputy General Manager, Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers Ltd.
Mr. Abhijit Paliya
Vice President (Operations)and Plant Head, Lalbaba Engineering Group
Mr. Sambhu Prasad Adak
Partner, Purahsara Strategist LLP
Mr. Deepayan Das
Managing Director, Mahr Metrology Pvt Ltd
Mr. Avelo Roy,
Managing Director, Kolkata Ventures

IMPETUS aims to create strong interactive communication between leading officials from multiple indus- tries, academicians and prospective students. The meet will cushion the process of campus engagement be- tween the companies and the insti- tute and provide a holistic perspective to their respective needs. It induces innovative practices, insights, scenar- ios. the interactive nature of the ses- sions and expert-led discussion panels will transcend the participants to an enhanced learning experience

Takeaways for the corporate

Benefits for the Institute


Industry-Academia Interaction

Active interaction between the industries and scholars of the institute and brainstorming prevalent issues and challenges - paving the way for future collaboration.It facilitates interactions between academia and industrialists by providing a forum for dialogue, identifying common interests, and exploring potential collaborative opportunities.

Strategy Planning

Innovative and time-effective strategies to ease the hiring process. It can provide a platform for knowledge exchange, collaboration, and networking, which can inform and shape strategic planning. Insights gained from academia can inform industry decision-making and help drive innovation.


Building Industry to Industry Connection

An opportunity to interact with prominent delegates from other industries and research institutes during IMPETUS 2023.It can help build connections with industries by providing opportunities for networking, knowledge exchange, and collaboration, leading to potential partnerships and business opportunities..

Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur

Impetus, the annual technical fest of Mechanical Engineering of IIEST Shibpur, is a boisterous festival brimming with sensational events and perpetual fun.
Vasu Krishna Khemka (Coordiantor)+91 7808814413Divyansh Bajpai (Coordiantor)+91 9369462864
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